Saturday, January 23, 2010


This movie was nothing but lame. not impressed at all. I bought this movie at blockbuster...they were 4 for $20 I think. It was the last of the four movies i picked... and I wish i would have picked another. based out of the 80s its about a kid and his summer job after he graduates from college, before heading to NYC for grad school. The only thing good about this movie was Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. their characters were the only thing that made me laugh.

oh, another thing that helped me thru this movie, ryan reynolds. he's pretty damn easy on the eyes!! Which brings me to my connecting the dots portion of the blog.. I have a bunch of movies with Ryan in... we will go with definitely, maybe... i have 22 movies to watch to get to that one...such a cute movie, can't wait!
eight down, 141 to go...