LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie :)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Posted by keps1230 at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Goonies
Gone in 60 Seconds
i'm too lazy to find a dvd cover of this one, so i wont.
Posted by keps1230 at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gone in 60 Seconds
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Girl Next Door
Okay I watched this movie, and it's one i would have never bought had it not been in a 3 pack. It was one of the movies i didn't want... but 3 movies for $5, i am gonna buy it.
It's an okay movie... probably would have liked it better younger, but here i am 31 watching it, and not so ammused!
I think this may be the one movie that isn't connected to any other movie i have.. there is one guy that's hopefull, i am going to go to IMDB and check it out!!!!!! ohoh oh oh! he's in my next movie! Okay here it is... Timothy Olyphant, he's also in Gone In 60 Seconds!
Posted by keps1230 at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Girl Next Door
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Forrest Gump
My name is Forrest, Forrest Gump. Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get. RUN FORREST RUN!
Some of the many quoteables in this movie :)
First time I saw this movie, was (i am pretty sure) my first date, with Kaleb. I remember being so nervous! long movie for a first date too :) golly. 1994 this came out!
Anyway a great movie, classic in fact. Even though i have it on DVD, I watch it whenever its on TV. have to! It's amazing how Forrest was a part of so many things in his life!
I totally forgot that in this movie Forrest had a baby boy! Haley Joel Osment, who's also in the Sixth Sense.
Posted by keps1230 at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Forrest Gump
Fools Rush In
LOVE this movie :) it's one of my favorites to put in the DVD player to fall asleep to :)
I love Matthew Perry sooo much, he's so funny, so stinking cute! a movie about fate... a movie about realizing that fate is live in your life! and reading those signs!! Two people in line for the unisex bathroom meet, and this is where the fun begins! love love love this movie.
Someone in this movie, who is in what seems like HALF my movies is Siobhan Fallon. I NEVER knew her name till right now... but you know her. She plays Lanie in this movie, and she's the bus driver in Forrest Gump (my next movie!)
Posted by keps1230 at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fools Rush In
Finding Nemo
What a cute movie. not my favorite Pixar movie, but it's still beautiful, so many colors! It's been a long time since I have seen this one, years really. It was like watching a new movie again!
I thought i remembered liking Dori in this movie. When I watched it this past weekend, i was extremely annoyed by Dori! What can you do i guess!
Well, I'm going with Willem Dafoe who is the voice of Gil in this movie. He's also in Spiderman 2.
Posted by keps1230 at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Finding Nemo
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Final Destination
not sure what about this movie made me want to purchase it... wait. i am sure it had to do with three of the characters.. Devon Sawa...Kerr Smith...and Sean Scott. Kerr was in dawson's creek, so he was one of my faves. Devon was in a movie about a tornado... i think it was called 'night of the tornados' and of course Sean, he is from MN so you gotta love him!
Posted by keps1230 at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Final Destination
Fever Pitch

Posted by keps1230 at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fever Pitch
Ferris Buellers's Day Off
now this is a great movie.. a CLASSIC if you will! i crack up every time i watch this movie. It's amazing what ferris does all in one day! I skipped school only two or three times back in the day... and it was a group effort... me and my buddies all had 'dentist appointments' at the same time... on three different occasions... we all got in our cars and headed out to the movies to catch the re-release of the Star Wars movies! what nerds. we never skip school, and when we do, we leave to see STAR WARS! does not get much nerdier than that.
Posted by keps1230 at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Fast and the Furious
another STUPID movie. Why have i purchased such a plethora of dumb movies? it would be interesting to see the movie collection i would have going now had i had the same interests now as i did then...
Posted by keps1230 at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: The Fast and the Furious
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Encino Man
OMG. I haven't seen this one in forever either! This used to be a favorite of mine back in the day!! I remember Allison and I watching this over and over.... and quoting the movie constantly! WEEZIN THE JU-UICE!
Posted by keps1230 at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Encino Man
Employee of the Month
yahoooo! I bought this movie right after my obsession with Dane Cook started. Now you are probably wondering, how it was that I began obsessing over Dane?? It was a dream I had of him.. I hadn't seen any of his HBO things... nothing... I don't know how or why I had a dream of him. After the dream I went out and got the HBO movie... then this one. Dane is always good for a laugh... and it's kinda funny just because I have worked at Fleet Farm... it just cracks me up.
good movie to put you in a good mood, makes you laugh, that is for sure. and Jessica Simpson didn't do that bad of a job on this movie, which was surprising to me!
Anyway... connect the dots... la la la la... Andy Dick was in this movie, and he was in the movie i saw right before this "dude where's my car!"
Posted by keps1230 at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Employee of the Month
Dude, Where's My Car?
"Dude, you got a tattoo" "Sweet, so did you" "Dude, what does mine say?" "Sweet! What does mine say?" "Dude! What does mine say?" "SWEET! what does MINE SAY?" "DUDE! WHAT DOES MINE SAY?" "SWEET! WHAT DOES MINE SAY"
muhahaha, I forgot how silly this movie is... I haven't seen it in a very long time, i think it was good that Jason and I were drinking while watching this movie, Not sure I could have made it thru the movie without a little substance to make it a little funnier! hahahahahaha. These guys lose their car after a night of partying... I lose my car after 15 minutes in target... Isn't it fun getting older???
So again, after watching a movie i haven't seen in a while, all these random people pop up in it that i didn't remember were in it the last time I watched. Lets go with Jennifer Garner! She was I think Jesse's (Ashton) girlfriend in this movie. She was also my girl in 13 going on 30!
Posted by keps1230 at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dude, Where's My Car?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo
This movie is soooooo stupid. ridiculous even! Why i own it is beyond me. I did go thru a time in my life that i loved rob schneider.... i think it has something to do with Adam Sandler for some goofy reason.
Posted by keps1230 at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo
The Devil Wears Parada
I read this book before seeing the movie... and as per usual.... The book is much better. I did like the movie too. I bought this a while back, then left it at an ex's house for his sister in law to watch...then never saw him again... I ended up buying it at target again because it was on sale for like $3!
Posted by keps1230 at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Devil Wears Parada
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Departed
This is a movie that i HATED the first time i saw it... I liked it a little better this time.... it still way too long for its own good... but i liked it much better. what a cast of all stars!!
Posted by keps1230 at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Departed
The Dark Knight
I originally saw this in theaters with my buddy jason pema. geez that seems like forever ago. and the movie still gets to me!! I bought it on dvd a while back, it was a pretty good deal...and hadn't watched it since i bought it!
I am annoyed by batmans voice. whats up with that?!?! Could they make him more annoying to listen to???
of course you can't talk about this movie without talking Heath Ledger... he creeped me out the whole movie... looks creepy, sounds creepy.... overall creep factor is pretty high. I think that thing he does with his mouth and tongue is what is creepiest... dont even know how to explain it!
I was thinking i was going to have to go with Heath for this movie...when i came up with this match instead....Cillian Murphy. He's Johnathan Crane in this move (Scarecrow) .. he's also in Red Eye. another creepy guy!
Posted by keps1230 at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Dark Knight
He's Just Not That Into You
Another movie out of order...
had a fun PJ party last weekend where we drank champagne and watched girly movies! woohoo! This is one of the movies we watched. It's a cute movie... love all the actors that are in it! There are so many stories intertwined in it too, such a great way to tell a story. I was rootin for the bartender the whole time. Love the Mac boy :)
Connecting the dots... We are gonna take Ginnifer Goodwin... she's also in WIN A DATE WITH TAD HAMILTON! :) looove her in both movies! She's such a quirky girl!
Again since i waited so long to go ahead and blog about this, i have forgotten much of the movie....
I am back on track now, working on movies that start with the letter D!
Posted by keps1230 at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: He's Just Not That Into You
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Dane Cook:Vicious Circle
Why I have this movie filed where I do is beyond me. Not by movie name..nor by last name... entirely by first name.
This is my funny man mr Dane Cook... this guy makes me laugh... its probably the 10th time i have seen it, and it still makes me laugh just as much as the first time around... If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. My favorite part is when he talks about the atheist dude who sneezes on him... dane says "God bless you" and things go down hill from there... up to the point where the dude that sneezed on him was ground up from a ficus tree, pounded into paper and the bible is printed on it. muhahahahaha
Well there is only one guy to choose from (other than Jaaa khhhe)... Dane Cook. Also in Good Luck Chuck.
Posted by keps1230 at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dane Cook: Vicious Circle
Cruel Intentions
This is one I recently bought to replace my VHS copy... I haven't seen it in years...probably since I got my DVD player!! Anyway, I still think this is quite a weird movie, as the two main characters are brother and sister... maybe only by marriage but still weird to have them after each other. I wonder too, if this is where reese and ryan met...or if they were married/together before this movie.... i am sure it wouldn't take too much looking into to figure it out, but i am to lazy to do so right now!
I am going to go with joshua jackson in this movie... he's also in Skulls!
What a great pace i have going now... way ahead of schedule!
Posted by keps1230 at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cruel Intentions
Coyote Ugly
What a fun movie! I the boy in this movie is so stinking cute, i can hardly handle it! About a girl moving from jersey to NYC to peruse her music writing career... Her apartment is robbed, and she has to find a j o b. she is at a cafe ordering pie when she sees the coyote girls counting their earnings from the night...and she goes for it, gets the job.
Her pops is none to thrilled about it when he finds out... .her dad is played by John Goodman who is also in Monsters INC!
Posted by keps1230 at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Coyote Ugly
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Coach Carter
I have watched this movie one other time, right when I bought it! It's a great movie, just not one you watch over and over and over again...
It's your typical kids with an attitude... and a new coach that comes in and has to 'earn' the respect of the team... and boy does he ever. he whoops those boys right into shape!
I laughed... skillz from OTH is totally in this movie, and has the same basketball/cross tattoo he has in the show... i wasn't sure if he had it before OTH or what... well...maybe OTH started before this movie came out...
So i was nervous about who i was going to pick that's in another movie... till i saw one of the basketball players mother... Octavia Spencer. She's also in Win A Date With Tad Hamilton!
Posted by keps1230 at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Coach Carter
Charlies Angels Full Throttle
Okay... when I started watching Charlies Angels 2, I was thinking "i remember watching this in the theaters" I remembered going back to the apartment in IGH and doing my own angels moves! i loved it! the movie continued, i realized that no, that was the first Charlies Angels! This second one I made an ex boyfriend buy me so i had something to do while he and his band practiced...
Anyway, this movie has great effects... some that are pretty lame and bad looking...but for the most part it's pretty cool. a lot of really lame corny jokes which make me laugh! Great soundtrack pretty much every song they have going on!
Well since turning on this movie, it sounds like Hawaii is in the clear, and missed the major Tsunami they were thinking that would happen.
Okay there are so many people i can connect to this movie, but I am going with Bosley...Bernie Mac. He's also in "guess who"
Posted by keps1230 at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Charlies Angels Full Throttle
Cast Away
Second movie today: Cast Away. Another great movie that I own, and don't often watch. It is still amazing to me that Tom was able to do so much of this movie on his own! What a great actor.
Sorry, it's hard to type my stuff about this movie right now because I have CNN on right now... they are covering the tsunami that is currently making it's way to Hawaii.
I have a few insureds who go out to Hawaii every winter...they have homes out there, so my thoughts are kinda wrapped up in them right now...
I will quick connect the dots.... Helen Hunt is in this movie... she's also in the movie Twister (one of the movies i purchased recently and screwed up my countdown!)
Also, you can see i have started adding a case you need to know what movie i am talking about!
Posted by keps1230 at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cast Away
I forgot how much I loved this movie! I am saying at mom and dad's this weekend, dog sitting... i wish I would have put this on down stairs on the big tv instead of this small one.... the graphics are amazing in this movie! So funny too to hear the announcers from NASCAR calling the races in this cartoon!
Disney/Pixar does a good job of making this an adult movie as much as a kid's movie... two of the parts i laugh out loud about is in the beginning when these two twin cars "flash" lightning mc queen and he's all in awe of their headlights. so funny. Also later on mc queen sees a 'pinstripe' on Sally...he says something, she's embarrassed. this is Cars' equivalent of a tramp stamp. so funny!
this is one of many movies i see this weekend... i have 11 with me... we will see how many i get thru!
the end credits helped me with connecting the dots... could have done it myself, but i will take their queue. John Ratzenberger was lightning mc queen's mack truck in this movie... he's also the Pig in Toy Story :)
Posted by keps1230 at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cars
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Carpool Guy
What a stupid movie... this one was given to me by a friend who won it... i think she won like 4 copies or something...
its about a dude that gets annoyed with his long drive to work and decides to pick up a bum so that he can ride in the carpool lane.
the one thing about this movie, it has a bunch of young and restless... so thats neat. i am pretty sure that NO ONE in this movie is in any other movie of mine. However. Corbin Bernsen is in this show.... he also happens to be in one of my favorite shows "psych" which i own on THERE!
well i did good this weekend... knocked off 6 dang movies! WHAAAA!
Posted by keps1230 at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Carpool Guy
Bride Wars
What a cute little bride movie this is... I love both Ann and Kate in this movie. The first time I saw this movie i was a little nervous about watching it... wedding movies always make me sad for some stupid reason!
Posted by keps1230 at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bride Wars
Definitely, Maybe
Another one out of order, but crossed off the list!
Posted by keps1230 at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Definitely, Maybe
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton
Okay so we are a bit out of order tonight...buttttt... I had Aaron over tonight for drinks and chick flicks.... He had not seen this one, so it HAD TO HAPPEN.
Posted by keps1230 at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Win A Date With Tad Hamilton
Bring It On
a CHEER movie! gotta love it :)
Posted by keps1230 at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bring It On
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Bourne Identity
Just finished watching Bourne Identity. glad i didn't buy the trilogy. so didn't want to watch this one... it was on, and i was doing a bunch of other things around the house :) hehehehe... the only thing that draws me to this movie is my love, matt damon. he's a hottie. haha. watched back to back movies affleck and then damon! damon has always been my favorite of the two :)
Posted by keps1230 at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bourne Identity
Saturday, February 13, 2010
what a sad movie. bitter sweet really. I fell asleep for 10 to 20 min of this movie, must have needed a nap.. probably would have slept straight thru it had dan not called.
Posted by keps1230 at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bounce
Black Sheep
A Chris Farley and David Spade classic. LOVE this movie... in the movie Chris' brother is running for Governor of Washington state. the whole movie is Chris pretty much ruining his brothers chances at winning the race... My favorite part of this movie is when Chris and David are in the cop car and get high off nitrous oxide... they start pronouncing things all goofy... ROAD rooooaaaaddd... so stinking funny.
Posted by keps1230 at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Black Sheep
Black Hawk Down
Quite honestly, this movie was just on in the background whilst i worked on the baby quilt today.. i think i bought this movie back when i had a major thing for mr josh hartnett.... at one point i had every movie joshy ever did.... and i believe that's why i have this movie... cuz other than that, not sure i would have ever gone to see it let alone purchase it...
Posted by keps1230 at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Black Hawk Down
Billy Madison
I AM SLACKING HERE!! So better watch a couple today... just saw Billy Madison, probably my favorite Adam Sandler movie... so dumb its hilarious. I can quote this movie from beginning to end... stop looking at me swaaaan.... you can stay home and help me shave my aaarrrmmm pits... no milk will ever be our milk..... soooo hot want to touch the hiney... C O R are you going to the mall today that's what i am asking.... erik's pregnant, he's gonna be a soccer player, he is he iiiiissss! YOU BLEW IT!!!
Posted by keps1230 at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Billy Madison
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Big Daddy
Just watched a fave, Big Daddy! haha. I went from Baby Mama to Big Daddy! :)
I just recently bought this on DVD. I have had the VHS for years... I dont think i've seen it on dvd till today.
Adam Sandler plays a guy who decides he's going to adopt a boy who shows up on his doorstep (roommate's kid). He does this to prove to his girlfriend and father that he has something good going on in his life. Hilarity ensues. Laying the news paper down for accidents... milk on the ground... puke... you know whatever. so funny!
okay Adam has those three guys that he has in all his movies in this one too... but i am going to go ahead with Leslie Mann. She plays the fiance to Adam's roommate in this movie.. She's also in Knocked Up...
13 down 136 to go....
Posted by keps1230 at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Big Daddy
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Baby Mama
this movie is sooooooo stupid. so stupid i laugh out loud :)
Posted by keps1230 at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baby Mama
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Watched Armageddon this week... I finished watching it at night, and I was in bed, so hadn't updated this yet!
Posted by keps1230 at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Armageddon
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Anger Management
the second of my Adam Sandler movies :) i like this one, its funny! I haven't seen it in some time, so it made me laugh all over again!
my favorite part is the when he goes and confronts the guy who dropped his pants in elementary school... and now hes a monk. and jack pulls out a gun...squirt gun that is!! heheh
i watched it before bed last night, so i am having problems writing a review on a movie from last night!
Adam has all sorts of people in his movies that are in his other movies.. we are going with Jack Nicholson here though.. he's in a movie i am not excited about watching again... the departed. hated that damn movie and its coming.
10 down, 139 to go!
Posted by keps1230 at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Anger Management
Saturday, January 23, 2010
American Pie 2
HOLY POTATOES! Fun movie. not as good as the first, which is normally the case... I have the original AmPie on VHS, which is why you dont see a review for it...
It's cool they had all the same players in this one as the first... the next had like 3 of the main characters... lame. Great movie...don't remember the last time I saw it, and not sure why because i enjoy it! Boys living up life between freshman and sophomore year at a beach house. Wish I had the chance to have done it when I was their age!
Michelle Flarity... love that girl. Back when the movie came out everyone said that I reminded them of her... Someone even gave me a "one time at band camp" tee shirt..still have it :) Back then I thought it was the stories or something.... but today, people tell me i look a lot like Alyson Hannigan... I get it a lot actually!
Love the soundtrack to this one too!
connecting the dots... stiffler! have to pick him b/c he's from MN! Seann William Scott is in a couple of my movies, but we are gonna go with Dude Where's My Car! heheeh...
nine down, 140 to go!
Posted by keps1230 at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: American Pie 2
This movie was nothing but lame. not impressed at all. I bought this movie at blockbuster...they were 4 for $20 I think. It was the last of the four movies i picked... and I wish i would have picked another. based out of the 80s its about a kid and his summer job after he graduates from college, before heading to NYC for grad school. The only thing good about this movie was Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. their characters were the only thing that made me laugh.
Posted by keps1230 at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Adventureland
Monday, January 18, 2010
Adventures in Babysitting
Okay so i just wiped out my whole being ahead of schedule.... Didn't watch one movie last week.. So I am starting out early here, watching Adventures in Babysitting. One of my favorite movies growing up... Should have watched this before going out for my birthday on 80's night... this could have helped me decide what to wear!
Posted by keps1230 at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures in Babysitting
Saturday, January 9, 2010
50 first dates
One of my favorite Adam Sandler movies. Takes place in Hawaii, so it is a beautiful move to start out with. Then Henry (Adam) meets Lucy (Drew Barrymore) who has brain damage, and no short term memory. Henry spends the rest of the movie making Lucy fall in love with him on a daily basis. Super cute chick flick. if you haven't seen it, you should!
Posted by keps1230 at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: 50 first dates
27 dresses
I love this movie. super cute, I love Katherine Heigl. I don't have anywhere close to 27 dresses in my closet, only two. five if you count my prom dresses. I am happy though, I think they would all mesh together if I did were in many more...
Posted by keps1230 at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: 27 dresses
Friday, January 8, 2010
aaah counting cards. This is the 2nd time I have seen this movie, and I still don't have a clue how to count cards. Not that they flat out teach it, but from what they say, I just don't get it...
Posted by keps1230 at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: 21
13 going on 30
AUH, what a cute movie. Love this one. I am pretty sure I hadn't seen this movie when I purchased it... It is one that I have in my travel DVD thingy, so it's one i'd watch over and over...
Posted by keps1230 at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: 13 Going On 30
10 Things I Hate About You
Stayed home sick today...thought I would get a movie or two in :) first up today, 10 Things... came out in 1999... I didn't see it then, but probably a couple years later while living with Cassie in IGH. She had it on VHS and told me I had to see it. It was love at first sight...totally fell for Heath Ledger!
Posted by keps1230 at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: 10 things i hate about you
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
8 Mile
So I watched my first movie... it took me 2 nights to finish, got most of the way through 8 Mile the other night before I fell asleep...
Posted by keps1230 at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: 8 Mile
Monday, January 4, 2010
here we gooooo
Okay in doing my New Years Resolutions over on MSCL blog.... I have come up with yet another blog idea.... I am going to watch all of my movies on DVD in a year....then blog about it right here... I am just about to start watching my first movie this year.... 8 Mile. I will write after every viewing :)
Posted by keps1230 at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: here we go